July 17th, 2022

I forgot to write one yesterday! I wrote it a little while ago. first goof up so far in my blogging. which is chill tbh. im over it.

i read more of namesake this morning, i played more pokemon sacred gold... a lot more. im really into it!!. ive caught over 40 pokemon. Im going out tomorrow morning so i need to turn in soon ish. i did more duolingo, so i think ill be bumped up to diamond tomorrow.

I tried drinking some smirnoff red white and blue, and the flavours fine i guess? i wasnt really into it, so i poured it out of my waterbottle and into a mason jar in the fridge. fingers crossed it doesnt like pop the lid, it got weird in my bottle because i think its carbonated? i cleaned my water bottle bc if anyone heres ever left liquor in a bottle u know it gets weird fast. and i want to bring my water bottle tomorrow.

i watched jurassic park (2015) today. its so whatever. apparently the kiss scene with chris pratt they didnt tell the actress which is super fucked up. i talked about like, when its ok to not tell an actress/actor something with my partner and its like. maybe jump scares in horror movies, maybe. because thats a fine genuine reaction.

also i hate chris pratt.

Mood: 5.5/10 still pretty blah.

Song of the day: uhh. idk. spotifys trying to push sabrina carpenters new album on me so ill push that on you. go listen to "emails i cant send" by sabrina carpenter.

PODCAST of the day: simply nailogical's simply podlogical i love it. love their vibes its really cool.

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